No satisfaction!

Me in 2011. Being my simple self and loving it!
Me in 2011. Being my simple self and loving it!

They will never be satisfied. They will always find a reason to criticize. They will always point out a flaw. “You’re too big!” “You’re too skinny!” “You’re too tall!” “You’re too short!” For some people, you will always be too much of something or you don’t have enough of one thing. You have to be a certain way. And no matter what you do, you may not always achieve their level of satisfaction. Some individuals will do anything to satisfy their peers. For example, some will go on extreme food and exercise diets to look “model thin” because that’s “in”. Some will participate in certain activities that could lead to trouble because they want to look cool. That’s not right! You shouldn’t change who you are for anyone but yourself. You have to be comfortable with being your unique self. If you want to change something about your life, that’s your decision and not anybody else’s.

You can never be what pop culture depicts as beautiful. Don’t pay attention to what those magazine ads or commercials are showing you. Marketing companies have created their own image of what is the “beautiful, perfect and flawless human being”. But such human being doesn’t exist in the real world. The models you see on billboards and other posters have to be photoshopped to look a certain way. You know what that means? That even the original model’s self was not good enough to be shown. To fit the standards, they had to be “modified”.

You are God’s creation and what He created is beautiful. You may think you’re imperfect but that’s not true. In the word, you can see the phrase “I’m perfect”. Being who you are and being what you are meant to be is perfect. If you had to look like everybody else, you wouldn’t be unique. If you didn’t have any flaws, you wouldn’t be real. And being real is truly beautiful. Remember that!

Love, Missy D

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