Fruit Fighters

An apple a day keeps the doctor away! We’ve all heard that one before. But seriously. Most fruits contain components that can help prevent a lot of diseases. Why wait? Start eating them fruits today! Actually, why not this second?

Apple (Medium size=75 calories)

Contains: Flavonoids (antioxidants)

Why it’s good for you:

  • lowers risk of developing diabetes and asthma.
  • Cleans your teeth and acts as a natural mouth freshener

Did you know? The vitamins in apples lies just beneath the skin.

Avocado (1/2 avocado=114 calories)

Contains: Potassium, Monosaturated fats

Why it’s good for you:

  • Lowers cholesterol levels

Did you know? Because avocado contains high fat content, which helps with the average infant growth and development, a baby could live on avocado.

Grape (1/2 cup=53 calories)

Contains: Resveratol (antioxidant)

Why it’s good for you:

  • Helps reduce blood pressure
  • Lowers  the risk of blood clots
  • Helps stop breast, stomach and colon cancer cells from spreading.

Did you know? You can freeze your grapes and use them as ice cubes for your drinks. You can also eat them as hard candies.

Mango (1/2 medium=54 calories)

Contains: Antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Why it’s good for you:

  • Helps protect your vision
  • Reduce the risk of blindness during adulthood

Did you know? Mangos are a nice addition to your salad. And they make nice desserts. Ever had mango ice cream? It’s delicious! (Personally one of my favorites!)

Grapefruit (1/2 grapefruit=52 calories)

Contains: Lycopene, Flavonoids, Pectin

Why it’s good for you:

  • Protection against certain types of cancers
  • Lowers cholesterol levels

Cherry (1/2 cup=46 calories)

Contains: Anthocyanin (a potent antioxidant)

Why it’s good for you:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Eases arthritis and gout pain

Did you know? When  you heat up cherries, they lose most of the vitamin C.

Raspberry (1/2 cup=32 calories)

Contains: Ellagic acid, Antioxidants

Why it’s good for you:

  • Prevents cervical, esophageal and colon cancer

Did you know? To help burn fat and boost metabolism, use raspberry ketone extract

Blackberry (1/2 cup=31 calories)

Contains: Anthocyanin (antioxidant)

Why it’s good for you:

  • Reduces the risk of cancer and stroke
  • The extract stops lung cancer cells from growing

Did you know? Blackberries used to be called “gout-berries” by the ancient Greeks. They used them as gout symptoms treatment.

Tomato (1 medium=22 calories)

Contains: Lycopene (potent antioxidant)

Why it’s good for you:

  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Protects against advanced stage prostate

Did you know? Cooking tomatoes with oil provides more lycopene than the tomatoes alone.

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