I remember September 11th 2001…

On September 11th 2001, I remember coming back home from school just like any other day. That’s when my mom told me that an airplane crashed into a building in New York. Say what? I didn’t really understand on the spot what was going on. I was only in 5th grade. The only thing that I had in mind were happy thoughts from my day at school. If my mom was telling me such horrible news, it must really really bad. The TV was on so I saw a clip of the airplane crashing into the World Trade Center. I was in shock. For the rest of the day, I was watching the news with my family. I kept seeing those tragic images. People running and screaming. Smoke everywhere. The World Trade Center on fire. The Twin Towers collapsing. It was horrible. By nightfall, I was in my room, crying. Why has something so terrible happen? Why did so many innocent people had to die that way? This was the first time I heard about “terrorism”. I was 10 years old. I didn’t really understand what it meant. All I knew was that the terrorists were some very mean people.

Needless to say for the next few days (and weeks), I kept thinking about the tragic event. I was scared to fly on a plane. My parents were planning a trip to Haiti soon and I remember asking my aunt if we could take a bus to Haiti instead. I knew it was impossible but I was so terrified after 9/11 that I thought that it could be a possibility.

Till this day, 10 years later, I remember. The whole world remembers. We will never forget the thousands of people that perished on that day. In the World Trade Center. In the Pentagon. And in a field Pennsylvania. They’re forever and always in our hearts.

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