The Twilight Saga: New Moon

I finally watched The Twilight Saga: New Moon this weekend. When I went to library on friday, they had the DVD on a shelf and I couldn’t believe it. I put that movie on hold and I was number 853 or something. How come there was a free DVD on the shelf now? I didn’t ask myself to many questions since the DVD was clearly in front of my eyes. Without second thoughts, I took it. Might as well enjoy the moment while I can.

When I arrived home, I told my sisters and they were very happy. We were planning to go watch New Moon at the movies with some friends but a series of events came up and we couldn’t go watch it like we hoped for. But now, we (i mean I) had the movie in our hands and we can watch freely watch it.

I’ve heard that the movie wasn’t that good and it wasn’t worth watching at the movies. But hey! I promised myself that I would watch the whole Twilight saga no matter what and I would let some peoples opinions change my mind. So I happily watched the movie and you know what? I was satisfied! What were these people complaining about? The movie was good. We all have our opinions on things but I personally loved the movie and I’m really looking forward for Eclipse which is coming out June 30th. I’m counting the days.

Much love,


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